Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Yumminess of Silence (accompanied by piano)

I caught Buster Keaton and Harry Langford last weekend in wonderful silent comedies at the New York Historical Society. The Silent Clowns Film Series and other wonderful programs of silent films play there occasionally throughtout the year. This is a boon to someone who includes Sunrise and Broken Blossoms on his list of favorite films.

I particularly loved Seven Chances, the Keaton piece. I'm not a slapstick guy, but every time Keaton turns a corner and is accosted by a hilarious throng of furious, spurned wanna-be brides, I howl with laughter. I loved it. And the premiere of a just-restored, early, two-strip technicolor sequence at the beginning was a treat to see.

The biggest treat, though, is the expert live accompaniment of the brilliant Ben Model. Bravo, dude! Thanks for keeping your art alive for at least a few more generations.

Speaking of generations, the biggest laughers in the packed house were the under-12 set,who found both of the comedies hysterical. That is neat!!!

1 comment:

Ben Model said...


So glad you enjoyed our Seven Chances show at The Silent Clowns Film Series! Thanks also for your kind words about my playing. Hope to see you again at one of our shows.

Ben Model
silent film accompanist