Monday, August 4, 2008

Update from the studio

Spent portions of both Saturday and Sunday in Jim Papoulis' studio recording bits of the Sylvia score with the cast. It was fun.

Saturday went very slowly and all we got was a complete take of Josh doing "Twenty in my Pocket", the first two verses of "The Good People of New York", and the bridge of "The Man Reading Kafka on the Train". Johary hung out to be supportive and also to get a feel for the room. He is recording some stuff there later in the fall.

Sunday was a bit easier. We got Caes doing "Not No More" and "When You Loved Me" as well the SSF lead in version of "I Guess You had to be There" and Gavin's reprise of the number. Our guest Sunday was George Nieves, a talented young choreographer with an interest in the show. Caesar says he's great.

Then Elizabeth and I went out a talked through changes, casting, etc., for four hours over maaaaaaaaany glasses of Pinot Grigio. It was lovely and we had a splendid time.

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