As you know, the reading of Sylvia So Far went splendidly and I spent a goodly portion of the weekend at the computer incorporating rewrites. As it stands now, the throwaway bit of musical material, "Hot Ass, Sticky, Bye Bye Judy Night" has been expanded, with all of the characters getting a verse. I anticipate it extending into a dance that is ultimately broken up my the cops. Plus, Caesar brought a really cute chorographer to the show last week and we'd love to have a reason to have him around. I am, finally finally finally, tackling the STAR house sequence and making it into a number that incorporates themes from other pieces and new material. The song is currently titled "Lady for a Day" and should be fun. I am fiddling with making the context clearer. Not easy. Is Holland just rattling on? Does it all take place in a moment? Is Teddy having some kind of jabbering meltdown? Is Sylvia there or not? Blah blah blah.
Anyway, that's my Syl above, speaking at the Stonewall during Pride Week of 2001. It would be her last, but we didn't know that then.
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