When exactly was it the go-go boys stopped showering in those elevated stalls at SPLASH!? How old am I? I found myself there last night explaining on my way out to a table of very young men that, when it opened in the late 80s (?) that was the draw --- go-go boys showering and toweling off for the assemblage.
Good god. Anyway, Jimmy and I met down there last night for a wonderful weekly treat: Musicals Mondays. Come 7pm they show scenes from Broadway musicals, outstanding filmed numbers, TV specialty pieces, AND IT IS DIVINE!!! I stayed about an hour and saw Glenn do "As If We Never Said Goodbye". Babs doing "Parade". A truly thrilling dance number (introduced by Billy Joel) from Movin' On. An absolutely hilarious high camp mix of the big tunes from Joseph/Dreamcoat. Beyonce, Jennifer and Anika bein' the dreamgirls they are. Patti scaring the beejesus out of Laura Benanti in Gypsy. The finale from "Baryshnikov on Broadway". Shirley MacLaine et al doing "There's Gotta be Something Better Than This", which remains, for my taste, one of the best dance sequences from any movie.
The place was packed in a happy way. As the phantom says... "Go!"
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