Friday night I ran from the seminary at 5pm, got to WECC about 5:40, kids started arriving around 6pm, and by 6:45 my friends and I had fed 30 people, suited them up for the rain, and marched them over to the Loews at 68th Street and Broadway to see Prince Caspian.
The movie is what it is. Pretty. Forgettable. Too long, too loud, way to much battling for me. I don't respond well to people hitting people in films (or in life, of course) and there are some wallops in this movie. But, I love the WECC kids and they loved the film. Not to mention the concession stand.
My life has been much enriched for working this year with the kids community at West End Collegiate Church. I was reluctant initially to give up the amount of time the church expected, but what a blessing these kids are in my life. I'm glad the summer is coming and the schedule lightens, but I can't deny I will miss the kids through the summer.
But I am taking a group of them to New Orleans to help rebuild in August, which will be cool.
Anyway, Prince Caspian: C+. WECC kids: Priceless.
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