Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Patty Decker, of all people!!!

She was one of the early loves of my life. I met Patty Decker almost the day I arrived at Loyola University of Chicago in 1977. She was pretty, funny, bright as a whip, and knew about things like Bruce Springstein and Linda Ronstadt, the Son of Sam and baseball corruption. I did not!!! She hailed from Flowertown, PA and we were both so fresh and open to adventure. Then she fell in love with another Tim and I fell in love with The Rose of Sharon and Patty Decker and I drifted from each others lives.

And I found out today --- she reads my blog!!! After googling me some time she found this site and e-mailed me today! I am soooooo delighted. I haven't seen Patty (or, Ma Decker as called her) in 28 years. We're going to do coffee!

She teaches at Tisch!

I am just tickled.

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