Miss Abigail Taylor!
That's who I get to rehearse with tonight. At long last I am recording the score of The Conjuring from top to bottom and Missy Taylor is singing the starring role of Kakie. This is the show that is the home of "My First Mistake", which is one of the more popular of my songs. My friend Wayne Blood did an amazing orchestration of it a few years ago, my friend Peter (yes, the Peter Proctor) did a fantastic pop recording that acheived some notice and acclaim. Lisa has sung it, Ruth has sung it, Rebecca Soler has sung it, Barbara has sung it, Patrick has sung it. Hell, even I have sung it.
And now Miss Taylor. Abigail has a clear, bright, elegant voice that is simply gorgeous and I am anxious to hear her wrap it around things like "When I Imagined Me", "Go Another Way", "In The Light", and of course "Mistake". It's an exciting project. Here we go!!!
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