Monday, March 31, 2008
Paella Barcelona Style
Barcelona Style Paella
3 cups white rice
1 lb franks
16 cocktail size mini franks
8 oz Italian sweet sausage or hard salami, thinly sliced
1/3 cup olive oil
3 garlic cloves, sliced
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1/4 teaspoons saffron, crushed
4 cup chicken broth
1 medium tomato, peeled, seeded and diced
1 green bell pepper, seeded and diced
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips
Bay leaf
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Cut four franks into quarters length-wise. Slice remaining franks into 3 pieces. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in large skillet, add frank strips and pieces and cook until lightly browned - strips will curl; remove and set aside. Add 1 tablespoon oil and cocktail franks and salami slices. Lightly brown; remove and set aside.
Add remaining oil, garlic, onion to skillet and cook, stirring for 3 minutes. Add rice and saffron, cook and stir until rice turns golden. Add chicken broth and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer 20 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. In a shallow 4 quart oven proof casserole, arrange rice, sausages, tomato, and bell peppers so that some of each show on top. Heat in oven 15 to 20 minutes.
Patti's Turn...
Thoughts on Friday
As I replay Friday, I am somewhat confounded and alarmed with the intensity of my reaction, the speed with which I responded, the rage that hadn't existed a moment before. I don't feel shame, but feel I should feel shame. Neither do I feel heroic, though Peter is treating it with more respect than is warranted.
I just need some time to sort through it. And, in the meantime, I have to wonder how the guy is? What does he look like? Is he badly hurt?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
What happened Friday night.
What confounds me is that I did not do what I would tell anyone to do. I should have simply turned around and walked away. It's what I would tell any one of my kids at church to do. It's what I believe. But that is not what I did and I regret it.
Again, I am fine. I'm not afraid or thrown or ashamed or any of the things I probably should be. That's about it, there is nothing more to say. So, many many thanks for your concern.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Candy And Dorothy

Patty Decker, of all people!!!
And I found out today --- she reads my blog!!! After googling me some time she found this site and e-mailed me today! I am soooooo delighted. I haven't seen Patty (or, Ma Decker as called her) in 28 years. We're going to do coffee!
She teaches at Tisch!
I am just tickled.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
New Ideas on Psalm 23
Everone knows it rather inside and out, but Bob journeyed through its imagery and the journey of the speaker from symbolic sheep or lamb to fully restored human.
It was a smart and carefully considered examination, but what intrigued me most was Bob's take on one of the lines as opposed to the interpretation I've always assumed and never questioned.
The line is this: "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over." I guess the intrigue was over the interpretation of the word table. For Bob it meant a dinner table. I will feed you to show your enemies that you are provided for. You shall be sustained. You shall be given more than you can possibly consume. I had always envisioned the table as an altar, meaning to me that you shall always, even in the midst of strife, be able to find comfort in prayer and consolation with God. Two similar yet definitely, if subtly differing interps.
I love parsing the Bible and belong to that group of folks who actually read it faithfully. Bob and I need to sit down and compare notes on the thornier parts (for instance, that nutcase Jael in Judges. That dame needs help!).
Tonight's Rehearsal

Date Bait Update
As you know, my bud Robin and I headed South to the Village Saturday to participate in Date Bait, the program designed to introduce relationship-minded men to relationship-minded men. We were ushered into a largeish room on the upper floor of the GLBT Center, which eventually filled with 67 guys lookin' for love. The nice thing is, that truly is what most of them are looking for. With the internet and Fairway's frozen foods section being what they are, never has it been easier to score sex, if that's all you want. So, to pay twenty bucks for the humiliation of saying, "Yes, I am looking for more. Are you?" already speaks volumes about the participants.
So, first of all, 67 is too many. It took a long time to go around the room introducing ourselves (we each got a minute, but, let's face it: that's more than enough time for me to look cute and garner a few good laughs). The room was packed. I never even got a good look at many of the guys. And when the open-socializing thirty minutes happened, it was a scramble just to remember who I'd though might be a potential. As for the guys? Many were too young for me. Many were too old. Of the 67, I could identify maybe twenty I would gladly meet in the social half hour. But remember, that amounts to 1.5 minutes each!!! Anyway, I got to speak to about half the guys I zeroed in on. Everybody scored their SAT-like cards with who they'd go on a date with and a computer matched like-minded folks. 68% of the guys there ended up with a match, 32% ended up with 2 or more. My final tally was 3 (it was initially 2, but on the subway home I ran into a guy who hadn't been able to find me in the crush). Three nice guys, one of whom is great looking, one of whom is 6'6", one of whom is losing his hair. Three nice picks!!!
So would I recommend? Not to the feint of heart. It's very commando. Robin hated it, but did end up going on a date with the room's favorite hottie. I had, if not a blast, a good time. I've had one of my three dates and it was nice. We will go out again.
I think Robin and I will return for QwikDates, which is a bit more structured. Anyway, being open to the possibility is good. I hate to think of turning fifty as a single man. I mean that.
So, my friends, we shall see!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Aaron's Staff
So, I've been spending a fair anount of time reading the Bible recently and last night was enchanted but a story I hadn't thought about in years. I was working through Numbers, which can be a yawner, when I came upon the leaders of the tribes of Israel rising in revolt, readying to overthrow the leadership of Aaron and Moses. Moses asks the leaders of each tribe to loan him their staffs. He places them overnight in the tabenacle. In the morning he retrieves them, but Aaron's staff has sprouted blossoms and leaves, showing God's preference that they keep to the original plan. What a pretty story. Simple, clear, surprising. The episode is used to lovely effect in the film Enchanted April.
Know what I'm doing tonight ?!?!?!?!?

Holy Saturday with MCCNY

As the years went on, particularly those spent with David, I drifted away from MCCNY and the beloved friends there. Recently I've felt the need to reconnnect, so I went today to the annual Holy Saturday banquet. WHAT JOY!!! People I used to see many times a week but haven't seen in years treated me like the, well, prodigal son. The fatted calf better watch his back.
And I saw Noah, one of my most beloved people. As always, it was like we were still roomates in Astoria sharing every aspect of our lives. Noah's journey is one of fantastic courage and insight. I met Noah as Nancy who then quickly bacame Buddy who eventually transitioned completely as Noah. I adore him.
It just was soooooooo good to see these folks. Dolly will probably go away again, but she won't stay so long.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
And speaking of tattoos...
Okay, I watched!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
To Idol or not to Idol…
It just that it takes so much time! However, my roomie has Tivo, so we can replay it at 2am if it suits us and we can skip all those endless commercials. I do like four of the remaining eleven contestants and can see any one of them winning, though none of them is a Melinda Doolittle (that girl was robbed).
What’s a boy to do?
Two Anniversaries…
A few months after the 2006 breakup, with my health blind sighted and my life in shambles, one of my friends said something that would be echoed by others for months to come: “Every day it will be a little bit better”. While I hoped what she said was right (what, indeed, so many said), I doubted it.
And, as it is, they were right and they were wrong. I think it is a matter of semantics. Better? No. The pain and loss I feel today are no smaller than they were in April of 2006. The only “better” there is would be building some sort of positive relationship with David out of the nothingness we have now. That would be better. What does happen, though, is that coping techniques and survival strategies slip quietly in. I think the word they meant was “easier”. Yes, every day the skills for dealing with the loss and pain become more masterly and working with the emotional realities does become an easier thing in my day.
And as for better? We’ll have to wait and see.
How I shall devil my eggs...
Curried Deviled Eggs
Peel and halve 8 eggs, removing the yolks to a mixing bowl. Mash the yolks until smooth and add 1/3 cup mayonnaise. Cream to desired consistency. Mix in two teaspoons of finely diced red onion, 1 teaspoon curry powder, and salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Pipe the egg mixture back into the whites using a pastry bag or disposable sandwich bag with one corner snipped off. Cover and refrigerate before serving. Makes 16 halves.
Tip: Before refilling the whites with the yolk mixture, try gently dusting them with a tiny bit of cumin.
Three absolutely shocking Genesis stories...
Not to mention Judah and Tamar, Abram and Sarai lying their way though Egypt. The baffling benevolence of a stranger named Melchizedek. Strange little side tales in this amazing epic. I am thoroughly enjoying myself!!!
Jacob was a rat!

So, a few days ago I opened my grandfather's bible with every intention of starting with Mark (I always start with Mark, the oldest of the gospels and the one that seems, at least to me, to demand the greatest amount of faith to buy into it). But I didn't go there. Instead I started "In the beginning" and I've been working my way studying Genesis, a book of astounding beauty and really shocking storylines.
And some real heels!
I am a second son and, like most second sons, have spent a goodly part of my life resenting it deeply. But that's another blog. God, my poor brother Michael (still another blog). Anyway, last night I really struggled reconciling the biggest jerk in the bible thus far, Jacob.
Jacob is born moments after his older brother Esau, clutching the wildly hirsute big bro's ankle, presumably seeking the earliest opportunity to snap it. Esau goes into the world, making his way, providing his family with meat. Jacob stays at home futzing in the kitchen and undoubtedly making clever origami menageries. Esau, not a mental giant, is easily manipulated out of his birthright by Jacob and a particularly inviting stew. Then Jacob plots with his mother to steal the elder boy's blessing by tricking their poor blind father by dressing in animal skins and Esau's coat, which smelt of him (to Esau's detriment, had he been a bit tidier in the hygiene department things might have turned out differently).
So, Jacob steals just about everything from his brother then, fearing Esau might try to pull a Cain, sneaks off to the north to find a bride.
But get this: this robber, liar, manipulator extraordinaire is granted, his first night away from the tent, with a dream: angels going up a ladder and back down, with God atop saying "Hey, kid, you rock. This is all for you". Then he meets his dreamgirl.
Rachel and Jacob go ga-ga for each other, but in Laban, Rachel's dad, Jacob meets a craftier con man than he. Laban tricks him into the wrong daughter as bride (Leah has "weak eyes") and fourteen years of labor before he can have the one he wants. Serves him right. But Jacob prospers, makes his way back home (a trip that involves a little larceny on his beautiful bride's part), and prepares to meet face to face --- after twenty years --- with his brother who approaches with an army of 400.
So the night before he meets up with his vengeful brother, presuming this night will be his last, Jacob tries to sleep, but is accosted in the night by a stranger who wrestles with him (without provocation) even to the point of knocking his hip socket out of joint. But Jacob won't have any part of giving up or giving in and, come the dawn, the stranger makes peace and walks away.
There are many interpretations of who this was. An angel testing Jacob? A manifestation of the divine spirit that will become Jesus (many theologians believe the pre-human Jesus makes several guest appearances in the Jewish bible)? God proper? You got me. But I know why Jacob wouldn't give in. Even if it meant his very death, Jacob was by no means coming this far and giving up his only chance to make things right with his brother.
And, when Jacob and Esau finally meet face to face, what does Esau do?
He throws his arms around Jacob and kisses him.
Big brothers. Go figure.
Monday, March 17, 2008
MCCNY's Holy Saturday Luncheon
It's always a special experience. See you there!
And just guess what I am doing Saturday evening after the luncheon???
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My Easter Project

Fret not. I am not going all granola on all of you.
I’ve just seen in recent years some eggs with really delicate, subtle hues that were derived from things like strong tea and boiled onion skins.
So, I’ll let you know how it turns out. I feel sure that, not rendering the perfect violet egg of my Easter dreams, I shall invest all the same in a Paas kit.
My method: Put eggs in pan, covering with an excess of an inch of water over their tops. Add a teaspoon of white vinegar (some folks say salt). Add coloring ingredient. Boil. For lighter shades, turn heat off when a rolling boil is achieved. For darker colors, reduce to simmer when rolling boil is achieved and simmer 15 minutes. Fish them out, let them dry, accept the generous oohs and ahs of friends who both admire you and worry for you.
Natural dying agents:
For Red: boiled red onion skins; Orange: boiled yellow onion skins; Yellow: boiled carrot tops with cumin; Green: boiled spinach leaves; Blue: boiled red cabbage; Purple: straight grape juice; Magenta: straight beet juice; Brown: strong coffee; Beige: strong tea.
The Yumminess of Silence (accompanied by piano)

A Current Project...

Executive Vice President Katharine R. Henderson
of Auburn Theological Seminary
Honoring Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Barbara Friedman, and Farhana Khera
Monday, April 14, 2008
301 Park Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets
7:30-9:00 AM
Please RSVP by Monday, April 7
The AUBURN Lives of Commitment Breakfast is a
multifaith, intergenerational event honoring women
whose lives demonstrate a powerful commitment
to the common good.
The event is a window into
Auburn's work across lines of religious difference to create a more peaceful and just society--
Palm Sunday at West End Collegiate Church

For the record:
That said, I could slap Elliott Spitzer.
If his randy past costs us even one seat in Albany in November, I swear I shall seek him out and bitch-slap him to the ground.
Sexual Paranoia in the Big Country...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Robert's lucky women...

It’s a total love letter to women (Robert is a great lover of beautiful women) who have moved Robert. Changed Robert. Ennobled and enhanced Robert. Each of the seven stories made me laugh and they each made me cry. It’s probably one of those books wherein every reading sparks a different reaction, depending on one’s disposition at the time. On a first time through I particularly responded to Lisanne and Sue.
The link to pick up a copy is:
Well done, Mr. Montagnese.
The lovely, the vivacious, the talented...

Monday, March 3, 2008
Revisiting the Centurion

I'm really looking forward to Friday night. The church where I work (West End Collegiate) is hosting a weekend-long seminar with NOBS, the Network of Biblical Storytellers. I am honored (I'm not a member) to have been asked to perform at the opening event.
In addition to my pop ballad "Miracle Time", I'll be singing a number from Our Story Too called "Heal My Heart". OST is a piece I wrote ten years ago (!) that tells several Bible stories from a gay point of view, with "Heal My Heart" as the eleven-o-clock number. It celebrates Matthew 8:5-13, the tale of the Centurion begging Jesus to heal his servant. The story is 'ere long controversial because of the specific type of servant in question. The word in the ancient Greek text is "pice", which was a young, favored slave boy used for sex by the upper classes and particularly the military. For centuries bibles have whitewashed it as simply "servant", in reality a much more authentic translation, at least in modern terms, would be "lover". That Jesus endorses and blesses the union between two men is a fact that, at least in years recent, is starting to be acknowledged and understood and embraced.
Anyway, "Heal My Heart", performed as a trio in OST, is a number I have never performed. Revisiting and rehearsing it over the weekend was like lunch with a dear friend. I will be so happy to do it Friday for a group of people dedicated to telling and interpreting gospel.