I am soooooo looking forward to tonight.
After work I'll be heading up to the Peter Proctor's house. PP is performing
"When You Loved Me" from Sylvia So Far at a party Saturday and we need to rehearse. And rehearse we shall, but we will take time out to watch the Idol results (we're both pulling for Carly but expecting one or other of the Davids to ultimately win) and then we shall put in the DVD of one of Peter's favorite movies --- The Bodyguard. PP is insane for Whitney. Or, I should say, the old Whitney, before she became a raving mess. Anyway, my prediction is that he starts humming somewhere around "Run To You", singing in earnest at "If I Don't Have You", and belting like Merman by "I Will Always Love You".
Best of all, Peter is making one of my favorite things: breakfast for dinner. Momma used to do that when Poppa was away on a business trip. There shall be eggs and sausages and biscuits and... GRITS! I have become fanatical in my mid-life adoration of grits. Go figure.
Anyway, that's tonight.
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