Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Beer Goggle Tuesdays at Blue Coyote

The boys at Blue Coyote are cranking out another hit down at the Access. The previously mentioned Happy Endings is all about sex workers with pieces by Blair Fell, Matthew Freeman, David Foley, Brian Fuqua, David Johnston, Boo Killebrew, Stan Richardson, Christine Whitley, and John Yearley. The cast includes Robert Buckwalter, R. Jane Casserly, Joe Curnutte, David DelGrosso, Laura Desmond, Samantha Desz, Brian Fuqua, Tracey Gilbert, James Paul Ireland, Carter Jackson, David Johnston, Khris Lewin, Adam Rihacek, Alexis Suarez, Phillip Taratula, Matthew Trumbull, and Dash Vada. The four coyotes thesmeves, Kyle Ancowitz, Robert Buckwalter, Gary Shrader and Stephen Speights direct.

On Tuesdays the show starts at 9pm preceded by Beer Goggle Tuesdays drinks with beer and wine for a buck. Sounds like fun!

Tuesdays at 9pm, Wednesday through Saturday at 8pm
February 12th - March 1st at Access TheaterTickets: $18 via Smarttix

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