Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The last of the 2007 films...

Last night I saw No Country For Old Men, the last of the critically adored, majorly nominated movies of last year left on my must-do list. It's been years since Oscar time came and I had seen virtually everything. I think couples just see fewer movies, stay in more, blah blah blah. Single folk --- particularly single men --- see everything.

Okay --- so I haven't seen Ratatouille (which I am told I would love).

But NC4OM? Creepy, frightening, beautifully put together... and ultimately just not my kind of film. But I admire it enormously. Javier Bardem is as good as they say.

I just don't relate to Westerns (too much dust) or pugilistic films (I loathe seeing people hit each other).

So, of the five films nominated for the Oscar for best film, which would I pick?

Hands down --- Juno.

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